
Notice to the York Hospital Community:

Several patients from the York Hospital community recently received an email that was addressed from York Hospital asking for an opinion about a recent visit. These emails contained fictitious names of people and providers not affiliated with York Hospital or our practices. Please be assured that absolutely no personal health information was released or compromised as a result of these emails.

The first names and provider names released in the emails were not from the York Hospital system (or non-existent) nor was any patient information accessible via the links in the emails.

Patient privacy and safety are our top priority and our Information Services team have thoroughly investigated the cause of these emails. The result of the investigation found that the patient quality survey system inadvertently integrated these names or providers into York’s patient survey process. However, because of the security gates in place, no patient information was released.

Our sincere apologies for this miscommunication. Please feel free to reach out to 207-351-2385 or [email protected] if you would like any additional information.